Welcome to Praia, Cape Verde homepage. On this page, you will find complete information about the area, places, locality and neighborhood of Praia. Some popular places in Praia, Cape Verde are Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde, Hotel Escola da EHTCV, Museu Etnográfico da Praia, BÁVARO MOTORS, Pão Quente, Meu Super, Calú & Ângela, Mercearia Andrade, Supermercados Calu e Angela, praia shop, ORCA CABO VERDE, nhamii - ice dreams, Posto de Combustível Shell Fazenda, Mercearia Andrade, Correios de Cabo Verde, Cape Verde mails, CCV - Common Visa Center, Praça Domingos Ramos, HOTEL CESARIA, Té Manché, and Pinto & Cruz.

Praia is an area located in Cape Verde. Praia has several Corporate offices, schools, restaurants, banks, hotels, hospitals, supermarkets, Medical clinics, Government offices, Grocery stores, churches, Shopping malls, embassies, Home goods stores, universities, City or town halls, Clothing stores, Computer stores, Building materials stores, and Financial institutions. The area is also known for famous places like Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde, Hotel Escola da EHTCV, Museu Etnográfico da Praia, BÁVARO MOTORS, Pão Quente, Meu Super, Calú & Ângela, Mercearia Andrade, Supermercados Calu e Angela, and praia shop.

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Top Places and Businesses in Praia

Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde (University) Campus UniPiaget, Praia, Cape Verde. Contact: 2382609000 Web: http://www.unipiaget.edu.cv/
Hotel Escola da EHTCV Palmarejo Grande, Praia, Cape Verde. Contact: 2382600080
Museu Etnográfico da Praia (Ethnographic museum) Av 5 de Julio, Praia, Cape Verde. Contact: 2382618421
BÁVARO MOTORS (BMW dealer) Avenida do Cais - Achada Grande- Junto ao Novo Porto da Praia, Praia, Cape Verde. Contact: 2389820022 Web: bavaro.cv
Pão Quente (Bakery and Cake Shop) Rua 13 de Janeiro, Praia, Cape Verde. Contact: 2385340130
Meu Super (Grocery store) Palmarejo, Praia, Cape Verde.
Calú & Ângela (Supermarket) R. Ilha do Maio, Praia, Cape Verde. Contact: 2389545614
Mercearia Andrade (Gourmet grocery store) Avenida OUA, 25, Praia, Cape Verde. Contact: 2382625585 Web: facebook.com
Supermercados Calu e Angela (Supermarket) Av Amilcar Cabral, Praia, Cape Verde. Contact: 2389304006 Web: m.facebook.com
praia shop (Shopping mall) Av. Jorge Barbosa, Praia, Cape Verde.
There are at least 391 places listed from Praia in Cape Verde. Browse All places in Praia, Cape Verde

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